Canada’s talent pool runs deep – and we’re here to promote it.

See how

More and more global companies are choosing Canada for the strength of our workforce. Canada’s highly skilled workforce drives innovation and growth, and it’s leading international firms to put down roots here.

Across Canada, 1 in 8 Canadians are employed by global companies, whose operations are in every corner of the country. That’s about 1.9 million Canadians – or 12% of our workforce.

Foreign direct investment is good for Canadians. It creates a higher standard of living, better and more job opportunities, and higher paying positions. It’s also one of the reasons Canada has such a solid reputation in the global economy.

In 2019, Invest in Canada worked with our investment partners across the country to promote Canadian talent, skills and expertise.

Feature story:

For Microsoft, Vancouver is a global hub of innovation and talent. Learn about its $90 million investment that is leveraging Canada’s technology workforce and nurturing ingenuity. Read the story